Educational Seminars


Programmatic Themes

Certificates of completion are available upon request

Mentorship Seminar-Series:

What are my career options, and how do I get there?

Career-focused lectures, skills-based workshop, and faculty Q/A


Foundations Seminar-Series:

What critical information should I know?

High-level coverage of the foundations in a specific field

Focused Seminar-Series:

What type of questions can I ask?

In-depth topics used to exemplify the methods and approaches available to study within a field.


Interested in specific topics? Suggest it!

 Help Improve Accessibility to Science for ALL Students

There are a number of students without the financial means to attend our seminars. As accessibility is central to our mission, we make every effort to provide as many financial scholarships as possible. However, this is limited by our non-profit’s pool of resources, which is largely dependent on philanthropy.

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